Monday, February 15, 2010

Forgive AND Forget

I recently heard someone say that they forgive but they never wrong and un-Christ like is that? I'm SO glad that God not only forgives me but He forgets too. No wonder so many people struggle in life if they have that mentality. If you never forget then you will always be throwing those things up in people's faces and that's why when you apologize and ask for forgiveness it's never believed because everyone know that you will still hold it over their heads. No one wants to be "forgiven" like that! I have read once that one of the definitions of forgiveness is giving up the right to hurt someone just because they hurt you. And I'll be honest there are a few people who have come and gone in my life that I have not forgiven and I'm not sure how or if I ever will. I don't pretend like I have forgiven them because I know true forgiveness lets go.....
I also found this definition of forgiveness - "to cease to blame or hold resentment against (someone or something). How well we would do if we actually lived by that. I'm not fake, if I don't like you and I run into you in public I can't and won't pretend that everything is fine and smile and all that....but once I have truly forgiven someone I really do forget!

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