Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random stuff on hump day.

(My boys - getting toasty by the fire!)

This is going to be a rather random post. I don't have a lot to say or share. Nothing important really but I thought I'd share a few pictures.
It was SO chilly and wet and rainy today. I hate rainy days especially if I
have to get out in it. I had planned to stay home again all day today. I managed to do that
yesterday and got some stuff done around the house.
That was again my plan today - we slept in kinda late, the rain and the overcast skies
kept us in bed till almost 8am. Yikes.
So I worked out late and by the time I cleaned up and actually got dressed it was after lunch
time and then my mother in law called and BEGGED me to come over and help
her get her paperwork in order for her cattery so that she could get her taxes filed.
So I got Bug and I ready in a hurry - didn't bother straightening my hair since
it was still kinda rainy out. I think I've worn a pony tail for like a week straight.
Partly because I CAN now and partly because I've been in a hurry to head out
the other half of the time.
We spent the afternoon over there, Bug playing with the kitties and me sorting receipts
and organizing mileage. Whew.
The guys brought us Subway back when they got done at work. It was super yummy!
I skip out on the chips and drink now but I still enjoy turkey, cheese and veggie on wheat!
Bug even ate pretty well. I am doing my best to "balance" her meals and snacks out more.
After our little potty issue this past weekend I realized she needed more fiber
for sure. So she's only a daily regimen of more fruits and veggies, a fiber gummy and
a little Benefiber in her juice in the morning.
So far it seems to be working!
We're home now and I'm tired. Bug is in bed, the Mister is reading and I'm crashed on the
couch torturing myself with American Idol - not much else on tonight and I do like
Steven Tyler!

( Bug watching Blue's Clues. How comfy does that look?!)
(Who stands on their tippy toes while they watch TV?!)

(Me - rockin' my Bama hoodie! Roll Tide, peeps!)

Tomorrow my plan, if I get to stick with it, is to again get some laundry done,
clean up around the house and attempt to work with Bug on her numbers and
letters again. We started awhile back but kinda stopped when the holidays hit but
we've got to get her ready for pre-school in August!
She's so smart and she picks up things so quickly, she did really well when I worked
with her before so we're going to try again. Although what little "teaching" I've
done I've realized it's not something I would want to do forever, such as home school!
Sheesh! That takes some serious dedication and patience. My mom
did it with all of her kids, all five of us. My sisters and I never went to an
actual school until college. My brothers started out being home schooled but
have ended up in public school now. I'm excited about Bug going to school, and
she's even more excited then I am!
I do hope that once she starts school, I can finally get a job and start helping
save towards her starting dance lessons, a new car (our Jeep is running great but we'll need something in the next couple of years.), and possibly a move to somewhere else!!! Who knows!

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