Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And so it begins....

So some of my readers know (others don't because you are new to following my little blog!)that back in August 2009 I started a journey towards getting fit. Or at least getting fitter! I had watched myself slowly gain weight after having my daughter and before I knew it I had packed on almost 30lbs since her birth. I was uncomfortable, insecure and extremely moody because of it. So in July of 2009 I decided I was done with feeling that way - I was going to work hard and start feeling better about myself. I had seen commercials for P90X on TV and it looked hard. They said it was hard and I knew that's what I needed. If a fitness commercial claims to be "easy" or quick or just a few minutes a day it won't work. Period! P90X claimed to be one of the hardest work out programs put on DVD and I needed something I could do at home. Being a stay at home mom I didn't have the time or the resources to travel all the way to gym every day. Not to mention the I lacked the motivation to truly push myself at a gym by myself. So I ordered it....and so began my journey!

After completely two rounds of P90X I ordered Insanity, another intense work out program from Beach Body. I LOVED it! Over 8 months and these two programs I managed to lose all the weight I had gained and tone up! You can go HERE and check out my before and "after" pictures! Over the past year and almost a half I have continued to work out 5-6 times a week, attempt to eat right (!!!) and strive towards getting fitter. I slacked off during the Holidays, I'll be honest, I pretty much at anything I wanted to and I slacked a bit on working out as well. Even when I did work out I wasn't really pushing myself. The result was gaining a few pounds back and that sucked!

So as of yesterday I am back on track. I'm doing P90X right now and finishing up my SlimFast diet. I'll complete that this week and start Insanity and the Insanity diet on January 3rd. It's not a New Year's resolution, I've been working at this for awhile now! It's just re-motivating myself and working hard again. Yesterday was the first day I really pushed hard in awhile when it came to my work out and this morning I am SORE! It always makes me feel good because it means I pushed myself!

So I won't be torturing you with my fitness endeavors every day but I'll probably be posting a little more regularly about my journey towards becoming fitter then I am now!

Do you have tips to share with me? Your own journey or experience with getting fit? So many of the blogs I follow are by moms like me and I see they are all fit after having babies and I wonder if it's something they work at daily or if it's just luck and good genes on their side!!! So tell me how you got where you are now! I'd love to hear your story!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Wow! Yay for you doing P90x...I wish I was disciplined enough to push myself into an exercise regimen. But, alas, I guess I settle for my occasional zumba class at the YMCA. :)

    ps Your before&after pics are AWESOME!
