Yesterday's Day......
Meal #1 - 1 packet of original flavor oatmeal 100cals.,1Tbsp. sliced almonds 30 cals.,1/2 Tbsp. honey 30 cals.,1/2 scoop protein powder 75 cals.,1/2 c. mixed berries 50 cals., 1/8 c. 1% milk 25 cals. = 310 cals (only ate 3/4 so 200 cals. consumed)
Recovery drink after workout - 4 oz. no sugar added grape juice and 1/2 scoop protein powder = 130 cals.
Meal # 2 - 1 Whole Wheat Flatbread 90 cals.,2 eggs 96 cals., mustard 5 cals., Banana 105 cals. = 296 cals.
Meal # 3 - 2 cups Mixed greens 20 cals., 3 oz. broiled chicken 130 cals., 1/2 green apple 40 cals., 1 Tbsp. chopped almonds 30 cals., 1 tbsp oil and vinegar 60 cals. = 280 cals.
Meal #4 - 1 Whole wheat slice of bread 70 cals., 3/4 Tbsp. Peanut butter 70 cals., 1 Tbsp. reduced sugar fruit spread 40 cals., 1/2 cup 1% sm. curd cottage cheese 90 cals. = 270 cals.
Meal #5 - 5 oz. Ribeye Steak 275 cals., 1/4 c. steamed broccoli 10 cals., 1/3 med Sweet potato 50 cals., 1 tsp. reduced sodium soy sauce 5 cals., 1 tsp. honey 30 cals. = 370 cals.
4 oz. Grape juice 80 cals. = 1596 cals.
I didn't blog yesterday because I was just too tired by the end of the day! I usually do it once Gianna is in bed but once she went to bed last night Beej and I finished a movie and then we both crashed. I'm a little sore this morning. Mainly my inner thighs and my lower back. I don't think I used my core muscles very well, instead I used my back and I've got to make sure I don't do that today! I'll post Day 3 this evening.....The work out consisted of A LOT of jumping and running in place. You do a set of moves, then you go back and do it again faster, then you go back and do it a 3 time even FASTER! And you do 3-4 sets of sets! You get small 30 sec breaks in between and that's hardly enough to take a sip of water and get a breath! But I was sweating like mad by the end!!! Can't wait to see my results at the end of 60 days!!!
Can't wait to see your results here too!