Monday, September 19, 2011

....too fast.

The weekend was lovely but it went by way too fast. The weekends seem so different now that Gianna is in school on Friday's. Even though Beej is home Fri-Sun still I don't think it's the weekend until Saturday now. But I will admit I kinda like having time by myself with Beej on Friday's. We usually head up the mountain to run an errand and grab a quick lunch together before we head back to pick up Bug from school. It's like having a standing "date" each week!

Gianna literally counts down the two days she isn't in school! She asked me yesterday if it was school today and I said yes and she threw her arms around me and said, "Thank you, Mom!" Lol!

Saturday I took some time out for myself and went with my sister to do a little shopping. I got a few new headbands and things to work on for Pretty Nods, found a Christmas present for my other sister, checked out the new Old Navy and drooled over everything (Old Navy is MY store, I'd wear pretty much everything in there.), and ate WAY too much lunch but it was yummy! But most of all I just had a great time chatting with my sister. I feel like we are more on the same page or similar's pages in life now and we have a lot to talk about and share.

The past couple of days have been Fall perfection! I loved it, even pulled out my cardigan, scarf and boots. The crispness in the air was magical and my hubby and I both agreed something about it made us wish for Christmas! I love the holidays and the holidays now are even more special since my family isn't around here anymore it's so great to get to spend some time with them. We go every year to the Gatlinburg area and have a weekend with my Mom's family. It's so much fun and I look forward to it so much. We've already booked our cabin and it's going to be amazing!!!!

I've been a bit lacking in my blogging lately. I forget to take pictures half the time now. My Instagram app has been messed up and that's what I usually use for photos. And the other part of me is so mixed up mentally I just can't seem to get things straightened out enough to blog properly. It's weird because I feel like I'm in such a, uh, weird place. Part of me is really happy right now, life is good, things are changing, my hubby's music is making progress in the right direction, Gi is happy in school, etc. But then there is part of me that feels so unsettled and unsure and it feels like that part of me is always in a whirlwind - thinking, planning, figuring out, hoping and day dreaming. So I guess sometimes maybe my posts seem a bit "bi polar"! Lol! So please excuse me if my posts seem a bit all over the place lately. I don't mean for them to be.

For now I've got to get my butt up and get my work out on!!!


  1. i LOVE this outfit! i'm so, so, so excited for cooler weather. :)

  2. Thanks! I'm ready for cooler weather too. Not cold but cool! And what's funny is I kinda felt frumpy in this outfit but I keep getting compliments on it and my husband went as far as to say it's his favorite on me! Lol!
