Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am praying for strength today. It's just another day but I am seriously trying to get back to my strict eating habits and well, it's going to take a lot of strength and determination on my part. I know I can do it because I've done it before, it's just lately I haven't had the drive to do it again and I have to get that back. I start out good during the day and then by mid afternoon I give in and eat something I'm not supposed to. And I can already tell the difference it's making in my waistline and I don't like it.

I'm also praying for strength to handle situations with family members. Different issues, but family non the less....I'm praying for wisdom on how to handle them and what to say and not to say. Praying that I know how to speak and when and when I need to just step aside. Lately I feel like I've been dealing with so much drama from one person or another that honestly I just step back and don't deal with it within my family or extended family. I just want to keep the peace as best I can because everything else seems to chaotic around me. Someone mentioned the other day about people bringing up the same things over and over - rehashing issues that no one cares about anymore. And here is the key - it still means something to someone. I don't hold on to things that don't mean anything to me. Usually when I "hold" on to a hurtful situation it's because it meant something to me, the person involved meant something to me, etc. Some times, just to be honest, when someone has hurt me I say hurtful things because I want them to feel the pain and disappointment they have inflicted upon me. The "friends" that I talk about on here a good deal, ones that have deserted me and left me alone - I talk about it still because it still hurts. I talk about it because I still can't understand what happened.....I work so hard to be a great friend and I think the problem is that people don't want a friend a "true" as I try to be. It's too much expectation on them. If I'm a great friend then it requires that they be too. It requires me to have strength that I'm still building. I'm not sure I have the strength to carry it all alone at this point and the way I get rid of some of the "weight" I still carry over these things is to talk about it - to rehash it.

I am praying for strength and guidance on some financial/physical issues. Nothing "serious" really but it always seems there are things we need to take care of dental and doctor wise that we just don't have the immediate funds for and I get nervous because I'm afraid that we aren't going to be able to take care of ourselves properly.

I am praying for the strength to make the wisest and safest decisions for my daughter......we recently put her on a daily low dose antibiotic to control her kidney infections. She's been on it for about a week and a half, maybe 2 weeks and the past two or three days she's been complaining of itching really bad all over. I looked her over and didn't see anything and assumed her skin was just dry from being out in the sun and rubbed her down with lotion. But it seems to be getting worse, she sat on the couch last night and just scratched and scratched and then I noticed her cheeks getting all red and puffy and hot. I got online and looked up her antibiotic and looked up the side effects some people have and a lot of them have had an allergic reaction to this medicine and it include extreme itching and red "rash" on the cheeks. So I have got to get in touch with the dr. today and find out what we can do next.......

Yes, I'm praying for strength, wisdom, guidance, patience, love.........

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand why you still talk about your 'friends' on your blog, because I do the same thing too. It still hurts even after all this time to think about all the so called 'friends' that I lost last year. I still have nightmares about them, and I have yet to understand why they weren't as true in our friendship as I was. I don't get it.....and I totally get were you are coming from. I too am the kind of Christin young woman who wants 'true friends' and not just buds to goof off with and then backstab and gossip about the next minute.

    I hope you get all of that doctor/medicine stuff figured out with Gianna. I will be praying for you in all the areas of which you posted. :)

    I hope you have a blessed 'n' smile filled day, girl!!!
