Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ah, today. It didn't start out great. I woke up in a bad mood. Not really on purpose, just did. Beej said something that set me off. I don't think he intended for it to come out how it did or for me to take it as bad as I did but I was so ill for the rest of the morning. Spent it with the TV off and didn't touch my computer. Just played all morning with Gianna. Played with all her toys, read books, went over her ABC's, went outside for a bit, colored with glitter glue and then made lunch. She refused to eat breakfast, nibbled on a few apple slices with peanut butter about an hour before lunch time. I finally got her to eat some lasagna for lunch. And she had Mac N Cheese for dinner! Lots of noodles! Beej and I apologized and made up before he left for his first training day back at Outback. He has alot to learn because a lot has changed but it helps that he has worked there before. We'd love for him to be back at water plant before to long but for now this is a job and it's money. I'm still trying to find a part time job for the mornings but so far no luck. He'll be working later afternoons and evenings at Outback. It'll be hard to adjust my routine but it can be done! I put Gianna down for a nap and got my work out done. I felt so much better afterwards! I really got the burn and sweat today! Killed some calories and now I'm SORE! Tomorrow is just stretching but I may throw in an extra workout sometime, just for good luck! Since tomorrow is Wednesday and I'll be with my family and we'll be eating Mexican. I have to burn off those chips I usually eat! I did good today though - I stuck to my diet plan and actually ate 100 less calories then I allow myself! Woohoo, that's a first!
Gianna is teething still, her 2 yr molars on the right side are still coming through and they are really making her sore plus I think she's having some allergy issues too. Runny nose and kinda stuffed up. I gave her extra vitamins today and some medicine before bed so that she'd hopefully sleep well. She woke up in the middle of the night because she fell out of bed! Poor baby, it's a rare thing but it still happens sometimes. The potty training thing is still a nightmare. She peed through 6 or 7 pairs of panties yesterday and several more today. She pees a little then stops and goes to the potty but it's still enough to wet her undies and whatever she's sitting on. I'm so exhausted with the whole thing. I've gone back to putting pull ups on her at night so I don't have to wash so much bedding. I'm sure what we spend in pull ups wasn't close to what we were adding to the water bill washing SO much stuff.
Tomorrow will be good. I will make it good! (And for those who know me, you know that Twilight always puts a smile on my face! So I thought I'd post a lovely picture of my favorite fantasy couple!)

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