Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Feeling Strongly

I have been rolling this subject around in my head for awhile. Well, not just my head but my heart as well. Trying to figure out if I should say anything on my blog or just leave it be. But I don't think leaving it be is necessarily the right thing to do. And maybe saying something is wrong, who knows. But I don't feel like I should have to keep something I feel strongly against to myself. We are open about other wrong things like abortion, rape, murder, etc. And yes, these are all strong crimes but they are also sins. And sin has no ranking in God's eyes. Or so I believe. I believe He sees all sin as just that....sin. Right now I know a couple of different women who are living with men who are not their husbands. One is much closer to me then the other but I know both of them well enough to know that they KNOW right and wrong. They've been taught, they've lived it at some point in their own lives. And it saddens me to see how they've slowly gotten away from what they so strongly believed at some point in their lives. We all sin, I'm not stupid. I know the things I say sometimes, the things I think, even the things I do are wrong. But I continually try to change my ways and live a life I feel is pleasing to God. And there are certain things that are just very, point blank labeled as sin in the Bible. Adultery being one of them. Living and sleeping with a man that you have not made a marital commitment to before God and man is wrong. Period. Living in this sin day in and day out would terrify me. Because I believe that living in deliberate sin and knowing it's a sin mean that your relationship with God has ceased to exist. It's one thing to commit a sin and repent and turn from it. It's another thing to willfully live in it. I've heard people who live together claim that they aren't sleeping together but you can't tell me that a couple who are in love can resist that temptation. I'm sorry, it doesn't happen! It really surprises me that people want to set that kind of example for their children. It's one thing to do it behind people's backs (although that's still just as wrong.) but it's another thing to show that to your children as Ok. Would you truly be Ok with your child living and sleeping with someone that they aren't truly committed to? Yet in our day in age it's ok, no big deal. People say "it just works for us". I don't understand why people want to blend their lives but not just take the actual plunge. I wanted to live with Beej and share my life with him so guess what? We got married! Lol! I know, so old fashion huh?! People "set" dates and then push them back, change them, use excuses to get out of them. They want to wait til they have the money for a "real" wedding, or wait til they can buy a house. Beej and I couldn't afford a wedding so we went to the Justice of the Peace. It sealed the deal just the same as a big wedding. Would a wedding have been nice? Of course it would have, it's a special day but we weren't willing to wait for that. We loved each other and wanted the benefits of being husband and wife. But I think most people want all the benefits without actually paying the price so to speak. It saddens me, it truly does. I am concerned for these women. That they have settled for something less then perfect. That they don't value themselves enough to make a true commitment. That they are willing to cheapen themselves by sleeping with someone other then their husband. It's sad that marriage is no longer valued. Everyone expects to be treated as a family or a couple but I can't do that when you can even take the step and make a legal and spiritual bond to each other. If you are with someone you can't even marry then maybe you shouldn't be with them. Hmmm? This is something I feel strongly about....and I'm not going to be quiet about it just because it isn't popular to think this way. Just like I think stealing, aborting babies, killing people, etc. is wrong so is adultery. And I didn't just make up this opinion, I'm pretty sure it was God's idea in the first place. So why does it suddenly go from being wrong to right or OK in some people's eyes? Perhaps I'll never know.


  1. The view of modern society and so-called progress has made people have this false blanket of security that if other people do it, so can they, and nothing negative will come from it. This includes having a sexual relationship with someone other than your spouse. Many people now view marriage as a financial issue, or a tax issue, and reason that God has nothing to do with marriage anymore. That reasoning lulls people away in to sin in that blanket of false security, and then they are doomed. I am old-fashioned as well. Abortion is murder, stealing and lying are sins, and sex before marriage with anyone, including a fiance, is a sin and the sinners must repent and sin no more in order to regain their relationship with God. Good for you to stand up and voice your beliefs, that takes courage and faith. :-)

  2. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I felt this was a blog I needed to write because I've felt that both ladies have in their own way made fun of me for what I believe is right. And I've kinda shied away from saying anything directly. But I felt it was time I stood up and just put it out there!

  3. Jacquelyn said it all! Yes, it sure isn't just your opinion, but mine, and God's as well too!

  4. It's not really an opinion or idea... it is what the word of God says! I see things as wrong or right, and this is definitely wrong. It isn't how God designed us to act. I do agree that sin is sin. God doesn't see any as bigger than the other. The consequences we pay are definitely different though. It is our job to live our lifes in such a way that others would see the light and want to get out of darkness. Some people have lived in the light and right now choose to purposely live in darkness. I don't know who you are speaking of, and it doesn't really matter, I just want to encourage you to pray. I have people in my life that sin deliberately on a daily basis, they know it's wrong, and right now they don't want to change. Sometimes all we can do is pray and be the example. I would also encourage you to stand up for what you believe verbally with love when the subject comes up again. Don't be shy of Christ and his standards for us. I will be praying for you and this situation. Continue to be the voice with LOVE!
