So back when I was younger I had a friend, someone I was close to and thought was a good friend. But she had this one issue that got to me a lot. She was always copying me and stealing my ideas or getting things she knew wanted first just to upset me. I tried not to let it bother me and took it as a form of flattery so to speak. She obviously thought my ideas were great and the things I wanted were awesome! I have good taste, what can I say?!!! But over time it became more annoying then anything and in the end we ended our friendship.......I think it can be sweet for some to use your ideas or do something you've done or buy something you've bought AFTER you've done it or bought it but to rush out and try to do it before is just down right mean. It shows what a spiteful person you are deep inside. I recently posted that I was planning to get my 3rd tattoo. I've been looking around and thinking.....I also posted that I was thinking about getting it on the back of my shoulder. A while back my sis and I were talking about getting matching bird tattoos when she turns 18. My sis has it picked out already. Although I wasn't positive I was going to get it.....it was important to her. Anyway, to make a long story short, this same person who I once again attempted to be friends with only to have to end it, apparently secretly keeps up with my blog now! Lol! Not brave enough to face up to the fact that she's still interested in everything I do because I'm so exciting! Haha! After I posted that the other day this person went out that night and got her 3rd tattoo....and lo and behold, it's on the back of her shoulder and it's the exact tattoo my sister was planning to get. Now if that isn't down right low and mean I don't know what is! I mean, come on, you'll have a constant reminder of how horrible of a person you are! My sis was totally bummed.....and I was beyond angry for her. Of course, this person would deny any of this but it's pretty clear for everyone to see now. Some people can lie so well to themselves that even they start believing the lie. I pray to God I am never a spiteful person and that if I am someone will be gracious enough to slap it out of me! As much as I dislike some people I never try to do anything just to spite them. But hey, not every one has it together! Lol! No, I'm just kidding! I don't have it all together but at least I feel like I'm trying hard to become a better person. Perhaps in the long run I will see results! But that's my "vent" for the night. I had to get it off my chest before I explode. And if that person does read this blog maybe they will understand exactly how spiteful and low they really are. ......Haha! Who am I kidding?! They haven't seen it yet and probably never will. But now, that it's off my chest I'll sleep better and be able to just move on! I'm still thinking about my 3rd tat, but I want to make sure it's something I want that has true meaning to me and not some silly made up story.
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