( The girl with the white waist band is AMAZING! I SO wanna look like her!!!)
Sometimes measuring can confuse me a bit! I measure every week on Monday, I know that once a week may be a bit much and I don't expect huge changes or really any changes sometimes. I also know that certain parts (like legs and arms, etc.) can actually get a little bigger before they get smaller because of the muscle you gain and build before you start burning actual fat. So I usually expect a half inch to inch bigger measurements there sometimes. This week I did lose another inch which is nice, it's in a place I really want to be losing! I can't seem to lose around my hips though and that's my second biggest "problem" place. Hoping that changes soon. My first thought is that I need to cut back on eating but I'm already eating 200-300 LESS then they want me to lose weight. So I know that isn't my issue, I think I just want to see results quicker then they happen. Used to this would totally discourage me and I would want to quit and give up but these days that motivates me to work out harder and to check my diet and make sure I'm not slipping up anywhere! I'm amazed how you can change you body, maybe not as quickly as you'd like or exactly how you'd like but to see the changes it kinda cool! I'm amazed at the muscles I have in my legs now although I never thought my legs were out of shape I guess they were! I now have tricep muscles and pretty decent biceps. My back is very SLOWLY defining but I think it's going to take a lot of work to get it looking the way I imagine! But I'm getting there slow but sure. I'm excited to hopefully be able to wear my original engagement ring and wedding band without having them sized up!
Today is my Fit Test again. With Insanity you do the same fit test every two weeks. It's how you start out, writing down you numbers and results for a series of 1 minute exercises. I'm hoping my numbers will have improved in the past two weeks. I think I have a little more stamina and push myself a little more now. Crossing my fingers!
The good news is that ever since I've started eating "healthy" and I've cut out the majority of bad fats like butter, salad dressing, etc. I haven't had any stomach issues like I was having. I've always had issues with most pork - it makes me really sick! Something I inherited from my dad I think. I haven't ever been able to eat pork chops, or pork bar b que or pork ribs. For awhile I could eat sausage and bacon ok but over the past few months even that had gotten where it bothered me a lot. So I've pretty much cut out pork all together. Not saying I will never ever try bacon again but I'll probably try to go with turkey bacon when I can. Although it's been proved that turkey bacon is no better for you then regular bacon, it actually has a lot more sodium them normal bacon because they put more salt into it to give it that bacon taste! But at least is doesn't make me sick! Lol! But I am glad to say that these past two weeks I've felt great - ever since having my gallbladder taken out almost 3 years ago I've had issues with my stomach and I'm hoping this will cut them out all together!
So excited about continuing on with Insanity! I am so thankful to Beach Body and their programs! I've never been into programs that claim you can have abs in just two weeks or that with only 10 minutes a day you can be a size 2! Beach Body makes so jokes, they tell you it's the hardest thing you'll ever do but that if you do it you'll get results and you do!!! Thank you, Beach Body, Tony Horton and Shaun T! You've changed my life and perspective!!!!
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