I am very happy the Saints won last night! They totally played an awesome game and fought hard for their win. First Super Bowl and they won! Craziness! I know there is going to be some serious celebrating for awhile in the Mutemath "household"!!!! The commercials were great - as always Budweiser and Dorito's did the best. People's creativity cracks me up!
Last night was also a big challenge for me. My father in law made his famous dip - velveeta cheese, Rotel, Beef......all melted together in a wonderful, spicy concoction! It sat out on the counter all night for everyone to nibble on and it took every ounce of my self control and discipline not to even taste it! I did eat some boiled shrimp, maybe a few more then I should have but I splurged a little! It was the least I could for rewarding myself for not touching the chips and dip and then the yummy Garlic bread cheese pizza my hubby cooked! Lol! But this morning I woke up feeling that wonderful feeling of accomplishment! Ta-da! I conquered again! Lol!
A dear friend of mine wrote on her blog yesterday about enjoying and remembering the simple things in life. I so often forget those things, being caught up in all I don't have or where I am going next or why I can't I be there now, etc. I so often forget just how good I have it. It takes someone else to remind me a lot of times. Occasionally I grasp it on my own. Saturday night Beej worked and Gianna and I stayed home all evening together. We watched Twilight, spent the whole time naming all the characters! I love that she totally gets that I love that movie! She'll watch the whole thing with me, not because I think she is really into it but because she knows I really like it and I think she enjoys sharing that "moment" with me. I so look forward to Gianna growing up and us being friends! I know it's my job to parent her but I also want to be her friend and confident. And I believe I can be both. And if not, I do plan to be more of friend then. Because often friends can guide and shape you as much as parents if they are true friends. And of course I'll be the truest friend to Gianna! She is such a sweetie, she's funny and silly, a little over the top dramatic at times but that's why I love her! To see her smile and laugh makes my day! To see her get simple pleasure out of something as small as me opening up a pack of string cheese for her reminds me that the little things are worth taking note of! And Beej, well, he's wonderful too! I stand in total amazement every time he gets up so early and goes to work, I spent the day at work with him and got to see just a fraction of what he normally does and I just felt my heart go out to him. He works SO endlessly hard for us and hardly, if ever, complains about having to do it. He's put his dreams on the back burner (they are still brewing and taking shape but much slower then he wants) so that he can support us. He is getting ready to start a new music project and I'm so excited! I know that this one will take on a whole new shape then his last one did, I'm so eager for people to really catch on to his stuff and really start pushing it for themselves, making their friends become fans and so on......He is truly so talented and has a heart of gold! I've dealt with so many black hearts recently that is can be a little overwhelming to have on that's true gold to the center. So many people pretend they have a heart of gold but it doesn't take long for that "spray painted" layer of gold to rub off and expose the blackness inside. Beej has been so supportive of me as I endeavor to get healthy and fit again. I spent a long time complaining about myself to him and never doing a thing about it. Beej never told me I was just fine to stay how I was, He told me he loved me and I was beautiful to him (and I know I was) but he also wasn't going to enable me to stay where I was. He has been the silent driving force behind me getting fit again. He constant encouragement and the pride in his voice when he tells me how well I'm doing is what keeps me going every day! To hear my husband brag about me makes my entire day worth it all!!!!
And friends - I so often focus on the "friends" who have betrayed me or hurt me and I often forget that I am surrounded by a lot of great people who are my friends. That I know I could go to if I needed to. I only have a couple of truly, super close friends but I know I can count of them. I often let the one or two horrible people overshadow the crowds of good ones that are around me. I've taken for granted my truest friends.....and I do hope I've learned a good lesson and won't do again any time soon!!!!!
I'm off to work out, haven't missed a day so far. It's my goal not to although in two weeks when we go on our vacation I think our schedule may require me to miss one but only one! I'm already dreading just that part but the rest of it I'm beyond excited for! Here we come Mutemath!!!!
Don't worry about the workout the day of the Mutemath concert you will be doing enough jumping around and dancing to make up for it! lol And about the Saints... They played great in the second half! The Colts really disappointed me in the second half! Its like they fell off their game! oh well the commericals were great!!
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm not too worried really! I'll be ok! Haha! Yeah I couldn't concentrate on the game a lot because our TV was messed up and we were trying to watch it around the "issue" I still have to call our cable company and see whats up. Overall it was a fun game but next year I want to go to an actual super bowl party somewhere!
ReplyDeleteOh Alaythea! We may be completely different in some ways but in many we are very much the same. We are both dedicated to being healthy, (me not quite as motivated as you) we both care about being the best friend we can be to someone. we both love tats. good music. talking. when i see you in a couple weeks i might even cave and watch the twilight movies with you too. haha! <3 love you always. even if we are worlds apart