Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Playing Catch Up.

My blogging has been behind so much lately....there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day lately. Especially over the weekend - we were trying to do fun, weekend things but I was also trying to get enough merchandise together to get my Etsy shop going by Sunday night (which I did - www.etsy.com/shop/prettynods). So that made for a very busy weekend and by the time evening came and I had a few moments all I wanted to do was veg out on the couch, what a little TV and call it a night! I still have a fairly busy two weeks coming up between getting more merchandise ready for the salon and for WeeRuns, getting my WeeRuns stuff together (I usually sell Gianna's outgrown clothes because they are in such good shape once she's done with them.), getting Gianna's birthday party in order (I'm so behind on this - invites aren't even out and I just ordered her cake yesterday!), celebrating my hubby's birthday tonight (he's 27 today!!!), starting the Master Cleanse (I'm scared about doing it but ready!), and getting the house in order for guests coming in for Bug's party......wow, the list just goes on and on. My goal tomorrow is to head down to S'burg and get everything from Party City I need for Bug's party and to go by Costco and stock up on lemons (I can get a 5lb bag there for like $6!!!), go to the health food store and buy an herbal tea laxative (the very thought makes me shudder!). My day is off to a very late start so far.....Gianna woke up around 2am after having an accident so I had to change her sheets, put her in the bath tub, re dress her and get her back in bed. Then ended up sleeping till 8am. Ugh. No I've got to rush through my work out, get ready and get to the bank.....

Sunday was so rainy and nasty - here is Bug giving me her best smile although she was really upset that we might not carry her to car and her shoes might get wet! Yes, she is paranoid about her shoes getting wet or dirty.....it's cute sometimes and sometimes it drives me crazy!

My work station....I didn't take a picture of my fabric table but this is where I sit and create! Last night I cranked up Florence + The Machine on my iPod and did some "experimenting" with an idea.....
And this was my "experiment" - pom-pom flower on a bobby pin. One of my sisters really likes these but they are rather expensive at the store so I'm creating a few for her and making up some to sell as well. It takes a lot of time cutting out all the little circles of material and gluing them in place - time consuming! But the end result is adorable!

Yesterday I took Bug to McD's for lunch - we had chicken nuggets! She was pretty thrilled! We both get kids meals (who can eat 10 chicken nuggets in the adult meal?! Besides my hubby!) so she always gets two toys and she loves that. It was quite interesting though - I haven't gone in and sat in McD's in awhile and yesterday the red necks/crazies were out in full force! Lots of yelling, smacking around and general interesting activities. Bug and I watched and laughed!

Tonight we are driving an hour or so to Charlotte, NC to meet my dad for dinner and celebrate Beej's birthday. It'll be a late night and I knew we wouldn't really have time to do cake once we got home since Beej has to work tomorrow anyway. So last night Bug and I made up this Old Fashion Banana cake with Cream Cheese frosting for Beej's birthday. My mom gave it to me awhile back and I just haven't had an occasion to make it really. Beej loves cream cheese frosting so I figured this would be a good one for him. It turned out really yummy - it's an interesting flavor combo, banana and cream cheese. I usually pair cream cheese icing with red velvet or something citrus-y like lemon or orange. But the cake was very moist and tasty!

My little helper - she loves helping me in the kitchen!

Happy birthday, babe!!!

Ok, so I've been looking for a pair of black boots for awhile. I needed a good pair that was about calf high. I have a pair of grey boots that I've had FOREVER or so it seems and I love them but I really wanted a black pair with similar qualities. The other day I was at Wal-Mart and saw they had their boots on sale (No, I'm not ashamed to say I wear Wal-Mart shoes, they actually have some cute stuff!) for like $15. I thought that was a great deal but honestly just didn't have the money at the time and went on my way. But yesterday, Bug and I were there and needed to kill some time before her dance class so I went by the shoes (because I love shoes and can't resist peeking!) and all the boots were on sale for $10!!!! I couldn't resist, I picked out this awesome pair and headed to the check out very proud of the deal I was getting and so excited about some great boots.....rang them up and they rang up for $7! Needless to say I was beyond happy - so yeah, now I have this amazing pair of boots to wear out tonight. Hooray for good deals! I think it's amusing that back in the "day" when I was a young pre-teen/teen I was embarrassed to admit I got anything at Wal-Mart or for a good deal. I wanted everyone to think I had paid lots of money for the stuff I wore and had. Now it's just the opposite, I'm so proud and eager to tell someone when I got a good deal or a good buy - I may not be a fashionista but I dress nice and I always keep Bug dressed nice. She is constantly getting compliments on how cute she is and how nicely dressed she is and I dress us both a serious budget!!! I rarely buy anything unless it's on sale and usually major sale. And I'm proud of that now.

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